2010 isn't the year of the Tiger, them chinese heads must be dizzy because it's the year of the Lion, aka Primary 1.
If you're not yet familar with the sounds, cop a listen on MySpace. So far we've had out 'The Blues' featuring that little Swedish siren Nina Persson, it's beaute, download it for free at primary1music.com Previously to that, we had an entire album compiled of sweet leftfield joys called 'Mess Detective. My absolute favourite track being 'Enough' - reminds me of that opening scene in Romeo & Juliet? You know...the one where Leo is wandering around on that beach? ....no? Alright fine I'll shut up.
So we're going in HARD with first proper single, Princess. It's a right fucking banger, get familar with the video below, directed by the Radical dudes behind recent Yeasayer visual vibes. It's out on 4th July (just in time for the Americans to party party their heads off celebrating independence and the fact they don't even have a princess, or royal family, it's cool - they've got Obamarama) and there are remixes coming from MJ Cole and CHLLNGR - if you give a shizer about remixes. There is also a re-invention by the band of Florence & The Machine, masterminded by the true Believer, and the best person you'll ever follow on Twitter, @DennisBelieve - he's a real shit EAD.
P.S I totally designed the Primary 1 website, just sometimes, I'm alright at my job, and well, the rest of the time? I just fucking run tings.
"Every time a friend succeeds I die a little bit"
...is an aphorism of Gore Vidal's that I was reminded of when reading The Evening Standard on Tuesday eve. It made me realise how much time I waste lingering around social network profiles, namely Facebook and Twitter, of 'friends' or shall I say, acquaintances of mine, occassionally following their moves and preparing to enforce the adequate amount of dismay to their merits, or even simply waiting for said merits to become apparent (if they ever do?) I guess it's all part and parcel of keeping aware of potential competition? ..or um, generally about...erm....a whole lotta nothing.
Which then drew attention to the fact that I do indeed, tend to do the odd bit of following a few tweeters, whom in some cases, I don't even KNOW (although I convince myself that they somehow are aware of me in some disjointed way) - resulting in making me very much aware of them and what they're doing. I'm not ashamed to admit that on the rare occassion, it's caused varied degrees of anger, jealousy and mostly frustration. But seriously, why?
Why should I care that someone I've NEVER met is working THAT campaign or got THAT job?
So, I decided to trim the fat, slowly but surely I am unfollowing, unfriending and essentially, without their knowledge, serving a number of people with my very own digital friendship ASBO, and it feels good. Funnily enough it has made a significant difference to my general outlook on the vibes of life and even my daily routine. No being bummed out for nothing and you know what? I could actually care less about what some ANNNNY gash is up to.
Out of sight and out of mind, indeed. I strongly suggest you consider a similar springclean. You never know who might be lurking, all I can assure you of now is that it's no longer me ;)
In conclusion, no - my friends succeeding actually makes me happier than ever, and I'm looking forward to seeing my friends COMPLETELY running tings.
This totes irrelevant blog post was soundtracked by a combination of my latest crushez, the wonderful Arthur Beatrice and ya know, Caribou, I'm not even gonna bother linking to them because if you haven't already got the album, you must be having a really great time under that rock.