If there's one thing there seems to be an abundance of, it's photographers, EVERYONE is a photographer. HOWEVER, I'm looking for one to take part in a conceptual project which involves a series of shoots which for the most part, have been planned out and have a solid concept, but I'm looking for a photographer who can bring the creative input to make these speak as loud as they can.
It will be a series of 10, involving mostly inanimate objects, but we're looking at using people in a couple where the concept involves them and it feels right.
It's really exciting, it's going to be awesome, the right person should have the following:
• A decent camera with the photographic skills to boot.
• Great creative direction
• A portfolio of work online we can see
• General knowledge and/or access to studios/spaces/locations to shoot
• Experience in conceptual projects not necessary, but ideal
If you think you're up for it, please do holla @ me on: stars@rcstreet.co.uk ASAP! We need to start this week!