Saturday, 13 February 2010
Sunday, 7 February 2010
I know I'm like...WAY behind and should have known about this remix roughly about, umm...2 years before it even existed, but I've recently become obsessed with The Teenagers' remix of Fallen Snow by Au Revoir Simone.
I hate to admit that I'm generally, by default, put off by these SUCH COOL BANDZ on these SUCH COOL LABELZ. You know the ones I'm talking about, based outta' warehouses and shitholes alike in hackney or dalston (feel free to refer to any other cool areas of London) who tend to release records which are just straight up NOISE and generally have obscenely digusting and vague all-over-the-place online visuals, like pictures of naked french women or just neon colours, flashing. Seriously guys, SO COOL, keep up the good work.
However, I do really enjoy the XX's album, and I'm quite partial to a bit'a The Big Pink - both on extremely cool and credible labels, who funnily enough, are based outta KENSINGTON, that's right, Notting Hill. So there you have it, working at major labels hasn't ruined my appetite for low-fi and supercool music. Having said that, just used two of the worst examples of trendy bands, both have had mainstream success, I GUESS THAT'S JUST HOW THE COOKIE CRUMBLES.
Anyway, download it, it's pretty bangin.
Au Revoir Simone - Fallen Snow (Teenagers Remix)
(direct download link stolen from Sheena Beaston's blog)
P.S totes have nothing against Young Turks, XL or 4AD - ur still welll kool 2 me. I r8 @RichardXL